The stress of living with excessive debt can leave you feeling that no matter how hard you try, you cannot get ahead. Many who are living under serious debt work extra jobs, take overtime and cut back on expenses in order to try and make their budgets work.
If your wages have been garnished while you have committed so much effort to righting your household's finances, it can feel like no one wants to let you actually get back on your feet.
More than 20 years of combined experience in helping our clients secure economical and effective solutions
At Aho Law Office.P.A., our attorneys are committed to helping those facing wage or bank garnishments. We understand how to stop wage or bank garnishments from happening, and in many cases, if you act quickly, we can actually recover the money that has already been taken. By using Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy and the automatic stay that is built into them, we can stop any further garnishments and work to get your money back.
We encourage anyone who is facing the possibility of wage or bank garnishment to come in as soon as possible in order to either avoid garnishment altogether or to begin working on recovering the funds that were garnished. We will consider and explain to you all of your options, including direct negotiations with creditors, debt consolidation, debt relief agencies, statutes of limitations, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy and various asset protection and debt relief strategies.
With our decades of experience, we know how to most effectively work to protect the greatest possible amount of your money from garnishment.
Contact the Albertiville and St. Michael bankruptcy protection lawyers of Aho Law Office, P.A.
If you are facing the garnishment of your hard-earned wages, there are ways that you can fight back. Let the skilled and experienced lawyers of Aho Law Office, P.A., help you work to stop wage garnishment. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Albertville wage garnishment lawyers or St. Michael wage garnishment attorneys, call 612-271-4047 or simply complete our online contact form.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.