Debt can happen gradually, and it can take a long time before people realize that they are in over their heads with debt. Initially, the bills may be growing but you are able to stay above water until something happens. Someone loses his or her job. A major medical expense occurs. Whatever the situation, it pushes your household's finances over the edge. We frequently hear comments such as "I am tired of working hard and going backwards." People feel like they are borrowing from one creditor to pay another, or worse yet, using up the retirement assets they worked hard to save to make payments on debt.
No matter how your overwhelming debt situation came to be, you can take action to improve your situation and put an end to the constant harassment of unscrupulous creditors and collection agencies.
Call us at 612-271-4047 or complete our online contact form to arrange a free consultation.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy options
Begin by educating yourself about your options. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a powerful tool that can liquidate unsecured debts such as:
Credit cards
Medical bills
Personal loans
Business debt
Other debt
Unwanted vehicle loans and leases
Income tax debt (in many circumstances)
In many cases, we can help eliminate second mortgages for a fraction of the amount actually owed.
Call us at 612-271-4047 or complete our online contact form to arrange a free consultation.

More Than 20 Years Of Combined Experience In Helping Our Clients Secure chapter 7 bankruptcy Solutions
At Aho Law Office, P.A., our knowledgeable Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys will work with you to educate you about all of the options for dealing with your difficult debt situation. If Chapter 7 is the right fit for your circumstances, we will work to ensure that you receive the maximum possible benefit from filing for bankruptcy protection. We will look at your assets, income and current and potential future expenses (for example, medical bills) in order to secure the most effective debt relief possible for you. We have also successfully obtained bankruptcy discharge of student loans. Contact us to learn more about how we can help with your debt relief. Aho Law Office was elected the best bankruptcy attorneys in Minnesota by the Star Tribune Minnesota’s Best readers poll in 2022 and 2023.
Contact the Champlin - Brooklyn Park - Minneapolis, Albertville - St. Michael - Otsego bankruptcy lawyers of Aho Law Office, P.A.
If you are facing the challenges of excessive debt, we can educate you about the benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Let the skilled and experienced lawyers of Aho Law Office, P.A., work to help you get the fresh start you need. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Albertville Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers or Champlin bankruptcy lawyers, call 612-271-4047 or click here to simply complete our contact form. We provide free consultations with no time limits at our offices in Champlin - Brooklyn Park, Albertville - St. Michael, by Zoom, and by phone, to conveniently serve you.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.