The experienced paternity law attorneys at Aho Law Office, P.A. often find themselves fighting for the rights of parents when the child is born from parents who were not married to each other at the time of conception. This process is often complex, so the Aho Law Office P.A. paternity attorneys help and the outcome of this paternity action, often called “paternity adjudication” has lasting effects on the parents’ decision making authority, child’s residence, child’s schooling, child’s religion, parents’ abilities to make decisions for the child’s well-being, parenting schedule and even the child’s right to inherit from his or her father.
Fathers who are not married to the mother of their child are often surprised to find that they have no rights under Minnesota law. Unwed mothers have all the rights over the raising of their child until a court order grants a father custodial rights or parenting time. Fathers have no right to parenting time child support or custody of their child, even if the father is ordered to pay child support. Aho Law Office P.A. paternity attorneys help fathers obtain their rights to develop a strong father-child relationship. The experienced paternity Attorneys at Aho Law Office, P.A. also defend women in paternity actions to achieve the custody, parenting schedule and child support that is in the best interests of the child.
To reach one of our experienced paternity attorney help numerous clients in the Albertville - St. Michael- Otsego - Rogers - Elk River and surrounding areas from our Albertville office and in the Champlin - Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis, Osseo, and Maple Grove aresou from our Champlin office, simply click here or call us at (612) 308-3818.
What we fight for
The experienced paternity attorneys at Aho Law Office, P.A. fight for three things in a paternity case:
A court order establishing the father-child relationship
An order awarding custody and parenting time in the best interest of the child
A fair amount of child support
Our experienced paternity lawyers in Minnesota can expertly guide you through the entire paternity process, starting with the court order that a man is, or is not, the father of a particular child. This process is called “Adjudication of Paternity.”

Adjudication can be accomplished through the signing of Recognition of Parentage, commonly called an “ROP.” The ROP is often signed by the father of the child shortly after birth. The Recognition of Parentage is filed with the Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services. This ROP is only the first step, however, of establishing a father-child relationship. It does not provide the father any rights, such as custody, parenting time, or the right to make any decision for the benefit of the child. It also does not establish child support for the mother.
If the father refuses to sign a Recognition of Parentage or the mother was not certain who the father is, a paternity action is needed. Aho Law Office P.A. has experienced paternity attorneys can file a paternity action in court to help the mother obtain financial assistance in the form of child support to help raise the child. We also can start a paternity action to fight for the rights of the father. The paternity can be established through genetic testing, which is often completed though testing of saliva, or by the rather stating under oath that he is the father of the child.
The outcome of the paternity action, including awards of custody and parenting time, have detrimental effects on the parenting schedule, authority to make decisions involving the child including the child’s residence, school, religion, and health care, and obligation to pay and right to receive child support. The experienced paternity attorneys will fight for you to obtain the outcome that is best for you and your child.
Call us at 612-271-4047 or complete our online contact form to arrange a free consultation.